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Welcome to the CAS website

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 Cornwall Astronomy Society (Kowethas Steronieth Kernow) is a friendly, relaxed group of amateur enthusiasts with interests in many areas of astronomy, cosmology, observing, astrophotography and telescope building.

Our objectives are to foster the practice and enjoyment of astronomy, cosmology and related interests.


We have two regular meetings a month.

The first is on the 2nd Tuesday of the month, starting at 8pm at Degibna Chapel, Helston TR12 7PR, & will feature viewing afterwards, weather permitting. Refreshments available.  We request that all, current, new and guest members stay away if you are unwell or have any symptoms. If you are visibly ill you may be turned away. Please use common sense. Masks are not required but can be worn if preferred.


The second is on the 4th Thursday of the month, starting at 8pm, online only via the Zoom platform. To attend a Zoom meeting as a guest, please contact me for the details.


We also hold regular out-door viewing events, weather permitting.


Visitors and beginners are welcome (Under 18yr olds must be with parent).


This website will be updated regularly with information relating to forthcoming events.


 If you need any help getting started in Astronomy, please join one of our zoom meetings to introduce yourself. and we will be pleased to welcome you and discuss how we can get you started, and answer any questions you may have.  You are also welcome to post your questions here or on our facebook site, we will try our best to help you.


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